
Point Counterpoint / BY: Bonnie Henry, MD, MPH, FRCPC December 2016
... to those they care for, and they do work while sick and may transmit influenza while asymptomatically shedding ... the arbitrator in Ontario that Mr Offley quotes) is on the issue of whether there is any additional benefit to an ... to year (from the low of 13% in 2014–15 to over 80% in 2010–11 in Canada with an accepted average of 60% ...
Premise / BY: Jamie Graham, January/February 2011
... involved in fatal or personal injury crashes?” ( BCMJ 2010;52[9]:477-479 ) resonated with many of our frontline ... legislation. Bri­tish Columbia has been studying the issue so the timing is good.  Collecting blood samples from ... and have the warrant “in hand” within 4 hours. This may seem obvious, but believe it or not there are people ...
Premise / BY: Stuart Kreisman, MD October 2011
... 3 ] (an excellent resource which also lists actions that may be taken by those having the problem).  Thirty-four ... that up to 100 000 BC renters may move annually over this issue. A strong majority of those surveyed would prefer to ... Journal of Medicine article,[ 7 ] and included in the 2010 shadow report, Canada’s Implementation of the ...