
Premise / BY: Jamie Graham, January/February 2011
... involved in fatal or personal injury crashes?” ( BCMJ 2010;52[9]:477-479 ) resonated with many of our frontline ... legislation. Bri­tish Columbia has been studying the issue so the timing is good.  Collecting blood samples from ... and have the warrant “in hand” within 4 hours. This may seem obvious, but believe it or not there are people ...
Premise / BY: Stuart Kreisman, MD October 2011
... 3 ] (an excellent resource which also lists actions that may be taken by those having the problem).  Thirty-four ... that up to 100 000 BC renters may move annually over this issue. A strong majority of those surveyed would prefer to ... Journal of Medicine article,[ 7 ] and included in the 2010 shadow report, Canada’s Implementation of the ...