
BC Centre for Disease Control / BY: Jane A. Buxton, MBBS, MHSc, FRCPC June 2012
Opioid overdose is a public health issue in British Columbia. In 2009, more than 200 deaths were identified as illicit drug ... were in persons prescribed opioid medication.[ 3 ]  In May 2011, the BC Coroners Service released a warning about a ...
BC Centre for Disease Control / BY: James Johnston, MD, FRCPC, October 2010
... both staff and other patients at risk. As of December 2009, there were 2720 patients enrolled in provincial ... recommendations The most recent guidelines addressing the issue were published by the British Thoracic Society. They ... early screening in high-risk CKD pa­tients, as anergy may be less of a confounder in those with less advanced ...