
Clinical Articles / BY: Farsheed Hedayati-Vala, MD, July/August 2008
... are often required to perform these procedures.  The issue of how we define a “well-trained” family physician ... a population of 12 000 people. From September 2002 to December 2004 (2.5 years), 677 scopes were undertaken at the facility. ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Michael D.D. McNeely, MD, FRCPC, FCACB July/August 2005
... of eGFR values is covered in the other articles in this issue.) Because the MDRD equation for calculating eGFR was ... with standardized report comments went into effect in late 2004. Since most labs overestimate true creatinine by some ... serum creatinine of 110 µmol/L and a GFR of 63 mL/min. In December 2004, when he has a second serum creatinine ...